Business Facilities & Manufacturing Halls

What makes our facilities exceptional?

  • We build our high-quality facilities fast and within the given deadline.
  • We use the newest materials and technological solutions combined with the traditional ones.
  • Our materials and technologies are always in accordance with all relevant norms and regulations regarding safety and protection of the environment.
  • Heating and lighting of the facility can be adjusted to fit your needs for a better energy efficiency of the facility.
  • We know that usability of the facility is key:
    • Different parts of the facility with different purposes are connected in a way that provides functionality and rationality.
    • We can also install all the necessary infrastructure and equipment.
  • We pay a lot of attention to the appearance of the facilities and the interior equipment; unique facade and roofing solutions, attractive entrance to the facility, different kinds of flooring and interior equipment according to your needs. For decorative facades and unique solutions see Functional constructions.
  • Our unique way of building provides more flexibility of the construction, which can be easily modified to serve a new purpose. Each facility can be easily upgraded, expanded, made smaller and be connected with other existing or new constructions.
  • We also offer regular maintenance services that provide a lasting functionality and an attractive appearance of the facility.